Luxor Temple
0٫2ميلMummification Museum
0٫4ميلKarnak Temple
1٫9ميلColossi of Memnon
2٫4ميلRamesseum (Mortuary Temple of Ramses II)
2٫7ميلMedinet Habu (Temple of Ramses III)
2٫8ميلDeir el-Medina (Valley of the Artisans)
3٫2ميلValley of the Nobles (Tombs of the Nobles)
3٫5ميلTemple of Hatshepsut (at Deir el-Bahari)
3٫5ميلTomb of Ramses III
3٫8ميلTomb of Ramses VI
3٫8ميلValley of the Kings
3٫8ميلTomb of Tutankhamun
3٫8ميلTomb of Merneptah (Merenptah)
3٫8ميلDendera (Dandarah)
Luxor Airport